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Fairy Tail 461 spoilers[Predictions & Discussions]

11.02.2015 13:44

Fairy Tail 461 spoilers!!! Fairy Tail 461 Predictions and Discussions !!! Fairy Tail 459&460 has been released now!!



Fairy Tail 459"Weakness"Summary:

Left powerless after having defeated Ajeel, Erza falls from the airborne flagship, only to be saved by Natsu, who calls for Wendy to treat the fallen knight. Meanwhile, Brandish is overcome by hay fever due to the pollen which has been stirred up by Ajeel's sandstorm. Seeing her chance, Cana knocks out the Shield of Spriggan and takes her captive.

Elsewhere, Gray's team faces Wahl Icht, who reveals that he can analyze his opponents' strength and weakness and create robots to perfectly counter them. As the group is hindered by these formidable foes, Wahl takes off in search of the Jutsu Shiki user and soon arrives at Kardia Cathedral, where he encounters the Thunder God Tribe. Bickslow and Evergreen immediately move to defend Freed, but Wahl uses his Magic to create more automatons to hold them off. When the main Magic of the two Fairy Tail Mages is nullified, Evergreen tries to use her Stone Eyes on Wahl, but the attack is rendered useless as he reveals himself to be a machine. Suddenly, a flash of lightning interrupts the fight. As everybody looks towards the source, Ichiya enters the fray with his Lightning Perfume.

Fairy Tail 460"Pegasus Descends"Summary:

When Ichiya joins the Thunder God Tribe in their fight against Wahl, the Machina immediately tries to analyze his weaknesses, only to have his processor overloaded by the vast amount of vulnerabilities identified in the Blue Pegasus Mage. As Ichiya claims that Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe are part of his family due to their short stay in his Guild, he vows to take down the being that harmed his family and unleashes a deadly poison perfume, but his attack proves useless on the mechanical opponent. Regaining his composure, Wahl sends Ichiya flying while his robots take care of Bickslow and Evergreen. Ichiya tries to counterattack with an electrical attack, but he only ends up boosting Wahl's power as the Shield of Spriggan reveals that he has overcome his own vulnerability by devising a technique that allows him to convert and use electrical energy as his own. As his opponents realize exactly how bad an opponent he is for a Mage such as Laxus, Wahl advances on Freed. The Fairy Tail Mage decides to raise his barrier and engage Wahl, but is ordered by Laxus over Warren's Telepathy to keep the shield in place. When the Dragon Slayer offers to back up his subordinates, Freed desperately tells hims to stay put, stating that his bodyguards will handle themselves.

Meanwhile, Gray's group begins to overcome the Weakness Soldiers created by Wahl to keep them busy by exchanging opponents. Back in Kardia Cathedral, Bickslow and Evergreen employ the same tactic and make short work of Wahl's robots. But Wahl mocks them for being too late as he closes in on Freed. At that moment, Natsu sends in a message informing them of the defeat of the vanguard of the invading army. Grasping this opportunity to dispel his barrier, Freed transforms into his Absolute Shadow form and manages to smash Wahl into pieces with the help of Ichiya, who has used his Power Perfume to augment his own strength. Concurrently, Gray's group manages to beat the robots standing against them and Cana and Lucy reveal that they have managed to capture Brandish. Satisfied with the outcome of the first confrontation against the Alvarez Empire, Mavis praises her Guild, but a smashed up Wahl's suspicious sniggering is an ominous portent.



what do you think about ch 459&460?







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Fairy Tail 461 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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