Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 805 spoilers[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 805 spoilers[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

10.22.2015 15:15

One Piece 805  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 805 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 804 has been released now!!! Read it now!!!


One Piece 805  Spoilers:



---Spoliers End---



One Piece 804"An Adventure on the back of an Elephant"Summary:

The Going Luffy-senpai docks alongside the Thousand Sunny, and Kanjuro draws a dragon to take them up the elephant's leg.

At the Revolutionary Army's main base, Dragon looks over the news, while Koala reports that the weapons they stole from Dressrosa contained a rare steel, Liquor Iron Ore. Dragon then orders her to get Sabo, as he wanted to gather all the leaders of the Revolutionary Army. Meanwhile, Jesus Burgess calls Laffitte and Shiliew to report that he has found the Revolutionary Army's base.

Meanwhile, the Pirate Dispatch Organization celebrate their weapons revenue increasing due to the fall of Doflamingo's business. However, Mohji reports that Hajrudin and their other four giants have left their crew.

As the Straw Hat Pirates climb the elephant's leg, Kanjuro reveals they came to Zou to find their lost comrade Raizo the ninja. Suddenly, something comes flying toward them from above.



What do you think about one piece chapter 804?


One Piece 804 Spoiler Trivia:

Zō is the Japanese word for “Elephant”. The island may be based on the Sanatani (Hindu) myth of the world residing on the backs of four elephants.


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One Piece 805 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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